4. Music Rhythms
4.1. Rhythm: Shave and a hair cut: two bits
The rhythm below is given by saying aloud: “Shave and a hair cut: two bits”.
Play this rhythm.
from microbit import *
import music
music.set_tempo(ticks=4, bpm=120)
rhythm = ["C4:4", "C4:2", "C4:2", "C4:4", "C4:4", "R:4", "C4:4", "C4:4", "R:4"]
while True:
Modify the notes to match the image notes in the key of G.
Modify the notes to match the image notes, but in the key of C.
Modify the notes to match the image notes in the key of G.
from microbit import *
import music
music.set_tempo(ticks=4, bpm=120)
rhythm = ["G4:4", "D4:2", "D4:2", "E4:4", "D4:4", "R:4", "F#4:4", "G4:4", "R:4"]
while True:
Modify the notes to match the image notes, but in the key of C.
from microbit import *
import music
music.set_tempo(ticks=4, bpm=120)
rhythm = ["C5:4", "G4:2", "G4:2", "A4:4", "G4:4", "R:4", "B4:4", "C5:4", "R:4"]
while True:
4.2. Rhythm: Famous movie series 1
Play this rhythm.
Can you identify the movie theme?
from microbit import *
import music
music.set_tempo(ticks=4, bpm=90)
rhythm = ["C4:3", "C4:1", "R:2", "C4:2", "C4:2", "C4:2", "R:1", "C4:1", "R:2", "C4:2", "C4:2"]
while True:
Replace the notes with: G, G, Bb, C5, G, G, F, F#.
Replace the notes with: G, G, Bb, C5, G, G, F, F#.
from microbit import *
import music
music.set_tempo(ticks=4, bpm=90)
rhythm = ["G4:3", "G4:1", "R:2", "Bb4:2", "C5:2", "G4:2", "R:1", "G4:1", "R:2", "F4:2", "F#4:2"]
while True:
4.3. Rhythm: Famous movie series 2
Play this rhythm.
Can you identify the movie theme?
from microbit import *
import music
music.set_tempo(ticks=4, bpm=116)
rhythm = ["R2", "C5:1", "C5:1", "C5:2", "C5:2", "C5:2", "C5:2", "R:4",
"R:4", "C5:2", "C5:1", "C5:1", "C5:2", "C5:2", "R:4"]
while True:
Replace the notes with: C, C, E, C, D, Bb, C, C, C, Bb, C.
Replace the notes with: C, C, E, C, D, Bb, C, C, C, Bb, C.
from microbit import *
import music
music.set_tempo(ticks=4, bpm=90)
rhythm = ["R2", "C5:1", "C5:1", "E5:2", "C5:2", "D5:2", "Bb4:2", "R:4", "R:4", "C5:2", "C5:1", "C5:1", "Bb4:2", "C5:2", "R:4"]
while True: