2. Edge_Connector
2.1. Connecting the microbit to the edge connector
The edge connector is used to connect the microbit to the breadboard.
The main pins used are numbered 0, 1, 2, and 0V.
Male to Female jumper wires are used to connect the edge connector to the breadboard.
The microbit in the edge connector is facing up.
The female to male jumper wires in the photo have been connected in the back row of pins marked 0, 1 and 2 and the ground connection marked 0V.
Each microbit pin has 2 pins on the edge connector for jumper wires to plug onto. The female end is placed over the pins that stick up.
The 0V ground pin of the microbit has 4 pins on the edge connector to connect to.
Devices that are connected via the breadboard will usually have jumpers from pin 0, 1 or 2, with the circuit completed via the ground 0V pin.