2. Built-in images advanced

2.1. Advanced use of Built-in Image lists

Image.ALL_CLOCKS and Image.ALL_ARROWS are python objects that can be converted to lists of Image objects.
Image.ALL_CLOCKS and Image.ALL_ARROWS are of type tuple.
This can be discovered using by flashing the code below, activating the REPL, then using Control-D to soft-reset the microbit so it prints the type.
from microbit import *

clock_list = Image.ALL_CLOCKS
Once converted to a list of Images, the list can be reversed to so that the images can be displayed in an anticlockwise direction instead of clockwise.
list(Image.ALL_CLOCKS) can convert Image.ALL_CLOCKS to the list:
[Image.CLOCK12, Image.CLOCK1, Image.CLOCK2, Image.CLOCK3, Image.CLOCK4, Image.CLOCK5, Image.CLOCK6, Image.CLOCK7, Image.CLOCK8, Image.CLOCK9, Image.CLOCK10, Image.CLOCK11]
list(Image.ALL_ARROWS) can convert Image.ALL_ARROWS to the list:
[Image.ARROW_N, Image.ARROW_NE, Image.ARROW_E, Image.ARROW_SE, Image.ARROW_S, Image.ARROW_SW, Image.ARROW_W, Image.ARROW_NW]

2.1.1. Reverse direction of list using list slicing

A list, arrow_list, can be reversed using the slicing technique: arrow_list[::-1].
arrow_list_anticlockwise = arrow_list[::-1] reverses the list and places it in a the variable arrow_list_anticlockwise.
from microbit import *

arrow_list = list(Image.ALL_ARROWS)
arrow_list_anticlockwise = arrow_list[::-1]
while True:
    display.show(arrow_list_anticlockwise, delay=200)

2.1.2. Reverse direction of a list using the reverse method

The basic syntax to reverse a list in place is:
The list, a_list, is reversed. No parameters are involved.
A list, clock_list, can be reversed using the reverse method: clock_list.reverse().
The original list has its elements reversed.
Note that is it necessary to create the list from Image.ALL_CLOCKS, since the reverse method doesn’t work directly on Image.ALL_CLOCKS.
from microbit import *

clock_list = list(Image.ALL_CLOCKS)
while True:
    display.show(clock_list, delay=200)

2.1.3. Reverse direction of list using the reversed function

The basic syntax to reverse a list using the reversed function is:
sequence is the list to reverse.
A list, clock_list, can be reversed using the reversed function: reversed(clock_list).
The python object obtained from the reversed function can be used directly by display.show.
The reversed object is a generator that can only be iterated through once.
Note that is it not necessary to create the list from Image.ALL_CLOCKS, since the reversed function can work directly on Image.ALL_CLOCKS.
The code below only displays the clock hands once despite being in a while-loop since the generator that is pointed to by the variable, clock_list_anticlockwise, is actually used up the first time through the loop.
from microbit import *

clock_list = list(Image.ALL_CLOCKS)
clock_list_anticlockwise = reversed(clock_list)
while True:
    display.show(clock_list_anticlockwise, delay=200)
The python object obtained from the reversed function can be converted to a list for reuse by using list(reversed(clock_list)) and placing the result in the variable clock_list_anticlockwise.
from microbit import *

clock_list = list(Image.ALL_CLOCKS)
clock_list_anticlockwise = list(reversed(clock_list))
while True:
    display.show(clock_list_anticlockwise, delay=200)


  1. Write code that uses list slicing to display all the arrow images clockwise then anticlockwise.

  2. Write code that uses the reverse method to display all the clock images clockwise then anticlockwise.

  3. Write code that uses the reversed function to display all the clock images clockwise then anticlockwise.

Write code that uses list slicing to display all the arrow images clockwise then anticlockwise.

from microbit import *

arrow_list = list(Image.ALL_ARROWS)
arrow_list_anticlockwise = arrow_list[::-1]
while True:
    display.show(arrow_list, delay=200)
    display.show(arrow_list_anticlockwise, delay=200)

Write code that uses the reverse method to display all the clock images clockwise then anticlockwise.

from microbit import *

clock_list = list(Image.ALL_CLOCKS)
clock_list_anticlockwise = list(Image.ALL_CLOCKS)
while True:
    display.show(clock_list, delay=200)
    display.show(clock_list_anticlockwise, delay=200)

Write code that uses the reversed function to display all the clock images clockwise then anticlockwise.

from microbit import *

clock_list = list(Image.ALL_CLOCKS)
clock_list_anticlockwise = list(reversed(clock_list))
while True:
    display.show(clock_list, delay=200)
    display.show(clock_list_anticlockwise, delay=200)

2.1.4. Randomize list

A list can be randomly sorted using random.shuffle in python 3.10.
But this is not available in the random module in micropython.
The sorted function can be used instead.
The basic syntax is:
sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False)
iterable Required. The sequence to sort, list, dictionary, tuple etc.
key Optional. A Function to execute to decide the order. Default is None
reverse Optional. A Boolean. False will sort ascending, True will sort descending. Default is False
The key function will use a function that generates a random float.

Returns a random floating number between 0 and 1.

The key function below, random_key, returns a random floating number between 0 and 1.
A parameter is required, since the sorted function will pass in the object from a list that is being sorted. The parameter used below is element. It is needed to work. Note that it is not used in the function code itself.
def random_key(element):
    return random.random()
Code to sort a list of numbers randomly, then scroll them is below.
from microbit import *
import random

def random_key(element):
    return random.random()

orig_list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
while True:
    new_list = sorted(orig_list, key=random_key)
    for element in new_list:
        display.scroll(element, delay=60)


  1. Modify the orig_list to be the list of letters “a”, “e”, “t”. Bonus: What do the 6 possible words mean?

  2. A string can be turned to a list using the list function. Modify the orig_list to be list(“ate”).

  3. Modify the orig_list to be the list of characters from list(“ab12”)

Modify the orig_list to be the list of letters “a”, “e”, “t”.

from microbit import *
import random

def random_key(element):
    return random.random()

orig_list = ["a", "e", "t"]
while True:
    new_list = sorted(orig_list, key=random_key)
    for element in new_list:
        display.scroll(element, delay=60)

A string can be turned to a list using the list function. Modify the orig_list to be list(“ate”).

from microbit import *
import random

def random_key(element):
    return random.random()

orig_list = list("ate")
while True:
    new_list = sorted(orig_list, key=random_key)
    for element in new_list:
        display.scroll(element, delay=60)

Modify the orig_list to be the list of characters from list(“ab12”)

from microbit import *
import random

def random_key(element):
    return random.random()

while True:
    new_list = sorted(orig_list, key=random_key)
    for element in new_list:
        display.scroll(element, delay=60)

2.1.5. Randomize image list

Use the sorted function to randomly sort list(Image.ALL_ARROWS).
Use the same random_key function from above as the sort key.
Display the randomly sorted image list with a delay of half a second.
from microbit import *
import random

def random_key(element):
    return random.random()

orig_list = list(Image.ALL_ARROWS)
while True:
    new_list = sorted(orig_list, key=random_key)
    display.show(new_list, delay=500)


  1. Create a list of the 4 main compass direction arrow images, then randomly sort them and display them.

  2. Create a list of the 4 secondary compass direction arrow images, then randomly sort them and display them.

  3. Create a list of the clock images for 12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock then randomly sort them and display them.

  4. Create a list of the 4 main compass direction arrow images, then randomly sort them and display them, then display them in reverse order using the reverse method.

  5. Create a list of the 4 secondary compass direction arrow images, then randomly sort them and display them, then display them in reverse order using the reversed function.

Create a list of the 4 main compass direction arrow images, then randomly sort them and display them.

from microbit import *
import random

def random_key(element):
    return random.random()

orig_list = [Image.ARROW_N, Image.ARROW_E, Image.ARROW_S, Image.ARROW_W]
while True:
    new_list = sorted(orig_list, key=random_key)
    display.show(new_list, delay=500)

Create a list of the 4 secondary compass direction arrow images, then randomly sort them and display them.

from microbit import *
import random

def random_key(element):
    return random.random()

orig_list = [Image.ARROW_NE, Image.ARROW_SE, Image.ARROW_SW, Image.ARROW_NW]
while True:
    new_list = sorted(orig_list, key=random_key)
    display.show(new_list, delay=500)

Create a list of the clock images for 12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock then randomly sort them and display them.

from microbit import *
import random

def random_key(element):
    return random.random()

orig_list = [Image.CLOCK12, Image.CLOCK9, Image.CLOCK6, Image.CLOCK3]
while True:
    new_list = sorted(orig_list, key=random_key)
    display.show(new_list, delay=500)

Create a list of the 4 main compass direction arrow images, then randomly sort them and display them then display them in reverse order using the reverse method.

from microbit import *
import random

def random_key(element):
    return random.random()

orig_list = [Image.ARROW_N, Image.ARROW_E, Image.ARROW_S, Image.ARROW_W]
while True:
    new_list = sorted(orig_list, key=random_key)
    display.show(new_list, delay=500)
    display.show(new_list, delay=500)

Create a list of the 4 secondary compass direction arrow images, then randomly sort them and display them then display them in reverse order using the reversed function.

from microbit import *
import random

def random_key(element):
    return random.random()

orig_list = [Image.ARROW_NE, Image.ARROW_SE, Image.ARROW_SW, Image.ARROW_NW]
while True:
    new_list = sorted(orig_list, key=random_key)
    display.show(new_list, delay=500)
    rev_list = reversed(new_list)
    display.show(rev_list, delay=500)

2.1.6. Interrupting an image list

There are several approaches to interrupting the display of a built-in collection of images.
The approach below uses wait=False. This causes display.show to run in the background. The rest of the code in the while block runs without waiting for the display.show to complete.
A for-loop with timing to match the timing of the clocks is used to allow button pressing to interrupt the clocks animation.
Since the clocks has a delay of 100, with 12 images, the for-loop must be set to run for a similar time so that the clocks images have enough time to complete. Using a range of 12 with a sleep of 100 will do this.
If a button is pressed, it stops the the display of the ALL_CLOCKS and displays the button letter.
from microbit import *

while True:
    display.show(Image.ALL_CLOCKS, delay=100, wait=False)
    for i in range(12):
        if button_a.is_pressed():
        elif button_b.is_pressed():
The approach below converts ALL_CLOCKS to a list that can be iterated over in a for-loop.
After displaying a clock image, the A and B-buttons are checked.
from microbit import *

img_list = list(Image.ALL_CLOCKS)
while True:
    for img in img_list:
        if button_a.is_pressed():
        elif button_b.is_pressed():


  1. Modify the code to make better use of A or B-button pressing.

2.2. Enumerate to show the clock time

The enumerate() function takes a collection (e.g. a list or tuple) and returns it as an enumerate object with a counter as the key.
The basic syntax is:
enumerate(iterable, start)
iterable An iterable object such as a list or tuple
start A number defining the start number of the enumerate object. Default 0.

See: https://realpython.com/python-enumerate/

The code below uses enumerate to create an object made up of tuples consisting of the count number (set to start at 0 using the optional start number; even though the default is 0 when the start parameter is left out).
The enumerate object is used up when iterated through, so it must either be placed in the while True loop to be recreated each time or converted to a list to be reused.
Pressing the A-button shows the time as a number
from microbit import *

all_img = list(enumerate(Image.ALL_CLOCKS, start=0))

while True:
    for count, img in all_img:
        if button_a.is_pressed():
            display.scroll(count, delay = 60)
        elif button_b.is_pressed():
Here is the list, all_img:
    (0, Image("00900:00900:00900:00000:00000:")),
    (1, Image("00090:00090:00900:00000:00000:")),
    (2, Image("00000:00099:00900:00000:00000:")),
    (3, Image("00000:00000:00999:00000:00000:")),
    (4, Image("00000:00000:00900:00099:00000:")),
    (5, Image("00000:00000:00900:00090:00090:")),
    (6, Image("00000:00000:00900:00900:00900:")),
    (7, Image("00000:00000:00900:09000:09000:")),
    (8, Image("00000:00000:00900:99000:00000:")),
    (9, Image("00000:00000:99900:00000:00000:")),
    (10, Image("00000:99000:00900:00000:00000:")),
    (11, Image("09000:09000:00900:00000:00000:")),


  1. Modify the code to display 12 instead of 0 when the clock is in the 12 O’clock position.