- 1. Microbit library
- 2. while True loops
- 3. Sleep
- 4. Scroll text
- 5. EXT: Scroll text
- 6. Show text
- 7. EXT: Show text
- 8. Built-in images
- 9. EXT: Using built-in images
- 10. Buttons and selection
- 11. EXT: Buttons and selection
- 12. For loops
- 13. EXT: for-loops
- 14. For loops using the range function
- 15. EXT: nested for-loops using the range function
- 16. EXT: While loops
- 1. Built-in images
- 2. Built-in images advanced
- 3. Image strings
- 4. Sequential images
- 5. Heart beat simulation
- 6. Setting pixels
- 7. Random pixels
- 7.1. Random pixel and random brightness
- 7.2. Random pixel randint
- 7.3. Tuple unpacking using an asterisk in a function call
- 7.4. Tuple unpacking in multiple assignment
- 7.5. Random pixel randrange(stop)
- 7.6. Random pixel randrange(start, stop)
- 7.7. Random pixel randrange(start, stop, step)
- 7.8. Random pixel random.choice
- 7.9. Random Pixel rows and columns
- 7.10. Random Pixels
- 7.11. Random Pixels choice Pixel rows and columns lists
- 7.12. get_pixel and set_pixel
- 8. Image arithmetic
- 9. Byte array images
- 9.1. bytearray with integer list
- 9.2. Uniform images using List multiplication
- 9.3. bytearray gradients using List multiplication
- 9.4. bytearray irregular patterns using List multiplication and concatenation
- 9.5. Integer-list-producing definitions for bytearray
- 9.6. Random-integer-producing definitions for bytearray
- 9.7. List comprehension for bytearray images
- 9.8. List comprehension with alternatives for bytearray images
- 10. Moving images
- 11. Oversize Byte array images
- 12. Flip and Rotate images
- 12.1. Useful Syntax
- 12.2. Pixels from repr
- 12.3. Brightness array
- 12.4. So far
- 12.5. Flipping horizontally
- 12.6. Flipping vertically
- 12.7. Flipping a list of images
- 12.8. Rotating 270 degrees
- 12.9. Rotating 90 degrees clockwise
- 12.10. Rotating 180 degrees
- 12.11. Rotating image animation
- 12.12. Rotating a list of images
- 13. Image masks
- 14. Flame simulation
- 15. Pixel Class
- 16. Screen Class
- 17. Other image methods
- 1. Modules
- 2. microbit module
- 3. power module
- 4. os module
- 5. machine module
- 6. os module
- 7. builtins
- 7.1. abs
- 7.2. all
- 7.3. any
- 7.4. bin
- 7.5. bool
- 7.6. bytearray
- 7.7. bytes
- 7.8. callable
- 7.9. chr
- 7.10. classmethod
- 7.11. complex
- 7.12. delattr
- 7.13. dict
- 7.14. dir
- 7.15. divmod
- 7.16. Ellipsis
- 7.17. enumerate
- 7.18. eval
- 7.19. exec
- 7.20. filter
- 7.21. float
- 7.22. format
- 7.23. getattr
- 7.24. globals
- 7.25. hasattr
- 7.26. hash
- 7.27. help
- 7.28. hex
- 7.29. id
- 7.30. input
- 7.31. int
- 7.32. isinstance
- 7.33. issubclass
- 7.34. iter
- 7.35. len
- 7.36. list
- 7.37. locals
- 7.38. map
- 7.39. max
- 7.40. memoryview
- 7.41. min
- 7.42. next
- 7.43. object
- 7.44. oct
- 7.45. open
- 7.46. ord
- 7.47. pow
- 7.48. print
- 7.49. property
- 7.50. range
- 7.51. repr
- 7.52. reversed
- 7.53. round
- 7.54. set
- 7.55. setattr
- 7.56. slice
- 7.57. sorted
- 7.58. staticmethod
- 7.59. str
- 7.60. sum
- 7.61. super
- 7.62. tuple
- 7.63. type
- 7.64. zip
- 7.65. Exceptions
- 8. utime
- 9. usys module
- 10. gc module
- 11. errno
- 12. antigravity love this modules
- 13. neopixel module
- 14. urandom
- 15. uarray
- 16. ucollections
- 17. math module