12. Audio: SoundEffects V2
12.1. Sound Effect Syntax
- class audio.SoundEffect(freq_start=500, freq_end=2500, duration=500, vol_start=255, vol_end=0, waveform=audio.SoundEffect.WAVEFORM_SQUARE, fx=audio.SoundEffect.FX_NONE, shape=audio.SoundEffect.SHAPE_LOG)
represents a sound effect that can be played.- Parameters:
freq_start – Start frequency in Hertz (Hz), range 0-9999, default:
freq_end – End frequency in Hertz (Hz), , range 0-9999, default:
duration – Duration of the sound (ms), , range 0-9999, default:
vol_start – Start volume value, range 0-255, default:
vol_end – End volume value, range 0-255, default:
waveform – Type of waveform shape, one of these values:
(randomly generated noise). Default:WAVEFORM_SQUARE
fx – Effect to add on the sound, one of the following values:
, oraudio.SoundEffect.FX_NONE
. Default:audio.SoundEffect.FX_NONE
shape – The type of the interpolation curve between the start and end frequencies, different wave shapes have different rates of change in frequency. One of the following values:
. Default:audio.SoundEffect.SHAPE_LOG
my_effect = SoundEffect(duration=1000)
,then change its attribute for duration: my_effect.duration = 500
12.2. Vary frequencies
from microbit import *
import audio
sound_effect = audio.SoundEffect() # use defaults
while True:
if button_a.is_pressed():
sound_effect.freq_start = 880 - (100 * 4)
sound_effect.freq_end = 880
for freq_step in range(4):
sound_effect.freq_start += 100
audio.play(sound_effect, wait=True)
Modify the code above to so that when the B-button is pressed, the start frequency is kept the same while the end frequency is increased in steps.
Use both the A and B-button pressing code and replace all values with variables:
.Modify the code above to use definitions with parameters. Name the def block,
, for A-buuton pressing anddecrease_freq
, for B-buuton pressing.
Modify the code above to so that when the B-button is pressed, the start frequency is kept the same while the end frequency is increased in steps.
from microbit import *
import audio
sound_effect = audio.SoundEffect() # use defaults
base_freq = 880
step_size = 100
steps = 4
while True:
if button_b.is_pressed():
sound_effect.freq_start = 880
sound_effect.freq_end = 880 - (100 * 4)
for freq_step in range(4):
audio.play(sound_effect, wait=True)
sound_effect.freq_end += 100
Use both the A and B-button pressing code and replace all values with variables: base_freq
, step_size
, steps
from microbit import *
import audio
sound_effect = audio.SoundEffect() # use defaults
base_freq = 880
step_size = 100
steps = 4
while True:
if button_a.is_pressed():
sound_effect.freq_start = base_freq - (step_size * steps)
sound_effect.freq_end = base_freq
for freq_step in range(steps):
audio.play(sound_effect, wait=True)
sound_effect.freq_start += step_size
elif button_b.is_pressed():
sound_effect.freq_start = base_freq
sound_effect.freq_end = base_freq - (step_size * steps)
for freq_step in range(steps):
audio.play(sound_effect, wait=True)
sound_effect.freq_end += step_size
Modify the code above to use definitions with parameters. Name the def block, increase_freq
, for A-buuton pressing and decrease_freq
, for B-buuton pressing.
from microbit import *
import audio
def increase_freq(sound_effect, base_freq, step_size, steps):
sound_effect.freq_start = base_freq - (step_size * steps)
sound_effect.freq_end = base_freq
for freq_step in range(steps):
audio.play(sound_effect, wait=True)
sound_effect.freq_start += step_size
def decrease_freq(sound_effect, base_freq, step_size, steps):
sound_effect.freq_start = base_freq
sound_effect.freq_end = base_freq - (step_size * steps)
for freq_step in range(steps):
audio.play(sound_effect, wait=True)
sound_effect.freq_end += step_size
sound_effect = audio.SoundEffect() # use defaults
base_freq = 880
step_size = 100
steps = 4
while True:
if button_a.is_pressed():
increase_freq(sound_effect, base_freq, step_size, steps)
elif button_b.is_pressed():
decrease_freq(sound_effect, base_freq, step_size, steps)
12.3. Vary the waveform
from microbit import *
import audio
sound_effect = audio.SoundEffect() # use defaults
waveform_list = [audio.SoundEffect.WAVEFORM_SINE, audio.SoundEffect.WAVEFORM_SAWTOOTH,
audio.SoundEffect.WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE, audio.SoundEffect.WAVEFORM_SQUARE,
while True:
if button_a.is_pressed():
for waveform_choice in waveform_list:
sound_effect.waveform = waveform_choice
audio.play(sound_effect, wait=True)
12.4. microbit scale function
- scale(value, from_, to)
Converts a value from a range to another range.
- Parameters:
value – A number to convert.
from – A tuple to define the range to convert from.
to – A tuple to define the range to convert to.
- Returns:
(float or int; int returned if both to vlaeus are integers) converted to theto
e.g. scaled_value = scale(200, from_=(0,255), to=(0, 10))
Modify the code above to use the x-tilt of the microbit to choose the waveform to use from the list. Use the scale function to scale the x accelerometer readings to integers form 0 to 4.
Modify the code above use the x-tilt of the microbit to choose the waveform to use from the list. Use the scale function to scale the x accelerometer readings to integers form 0 to 4.
from microbit import *
import audio
sound_effect = audio.SoundEffect() # use defaults
waveform_list = [audio.SoundEffect.WAVEFORM_SINE, audio.SoundEffect.WAVEFORM_SAWTOOTH,
audio.SoundEffect.WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE, audio.SoundEffect.WAVEFORM_SQUARE,
while True:
if button_a.is_pressed():
x_reading = abs(accelerometer.get_x())
waveform_index = scale(accelerometer.get_x(), from_=(-1023, 1023), to=(0, 4))
sound_effect.waveform = waveform_list[waveform_index]
audio.play(sound_effect, wait=True)
12.5. Vary the fx
from microbit import *
import audio
sound_effect = audio.SoundEffect() # use defaults
fx_list =[audio.SoundEffect.FX_TREMOLO, audio.SoundEffect.FX_VIBRATO,
audio.SoundEffect.FX_WARBLE, audio.SoundEffect.FX_NONE]
while True:
if button_a.is_pressed():
for fx_choice in fx_list:
sound_effect.fx = fx_choice
audio.play(sound_effect, wait=True)
12.6. Copying sound effects
- copy()
- Returns:
A copy of the SoundEffect.
from microbit import * import audio # Create a new Sound Effect and immediately play it snd_effect1 = audio.SoundEffect(freq_start=300, freq_end=1200) snd_effect2 = snd_effect1.copy() snd_effect2.freq_start = 2100 snd_effect2.waveform=audio.SoundEffect.WAVEFORM_SAWTOOTH while True: if button_a.is_pressed(): # the A-button silences the microbit audio.play(snd_effect1, wait=False) sleep(500) elif button_b.is_pressed(): # B-button re-enables the speaker & plays an effect while showing an image audio.play(snd_effect2, wait=False) sleep(500) sleep(50)
Modify the code above to use the laser sound effect and a copy at double the frequency: laser = audio.SoundEffect(freq_start=1600, freq_end=400, duration=400, shape=audio.SoundEffect.SHAPE_CURVE)
Modify the code above to use the laser sound effect and a copy at double the frequency: laser = audio.SoundEffect(freq_start=1600, freq_end=400, duration=400, shape=audio.SoundEffect.SHAPE_CURVE)
from microbit import *
import audio
# Create a new Sound Effect and immediately play it
laser = audio.SoundEffect(freq_start=1600, freq_end=400, duration=400,
laser2 = laser.copy()
laser2.freq_start = 3200
while True:
if button_a.is_pressed():
# the A-button silences the microbit
audio.play(laser, wait=False)
elif button_b.is_pressed():
# B-button re-enables the speaker & plays an effect while showing an image
audio.play(laser2, wait=False)
12.7. Custom sound effects
from microbit import * import audio laser = audio.SoundEffect(freq_start=1600, freq_end=400, duration=1000, shape=audio.SoundEffect.SHAPE_CURVE) radio_snd = audio.SoundEffect(freq_start=500, freq_end=499, duration=1000, waveform=audio.SoundEffect.WAVEFORM_NOISE, shape=audio.SoundEffect.SHAPE_LINEAR) jump = audio.SoundEffect(freq_start=400, freq_end=600, duration=1000, shape=audio.SoundEffect.SHAPE_LINEAR) snare = audio.SoundEffect(freq_start=523, freq_end=1, duration=1000, waveform=audio.SoundEffect.WAVEFORM_NOISE) sound_names = [laser, radio_snd, jump, snare] while True: if button_a.is_pressed(): for snd in sound_names: audio.play(snd, wait=True) sleep(500) sleep(50)
Play 2 of the sound effects on A-button pressing and another two on B-button pressing.
12.8. Transferring Sound Effects
function can be used to create a string of Python code that can be sent by radio.snd_eff_str = repr(snd_var)
: This line is using the built-in Python function repr() to create a string representation of the snd_var object, which is an instance of the SoundEffect class. The repr() function returns a string that would yield an object with the same value when passed to eval(). In this case, it returns a string that looks like a valid Python expression, which could be used to recreate an object with the same value.start = snd_eff_str.find("(") + 1
: This line is finding the position of the first opening parenthesis “(” in the snd_eff_str string, and adding 1 to it. This is done to get the start index for slicing the string to extract the parameters of the SoundEffect.end = snd_eff_str.find(")")
: This line is finding the position of the first closing parenthesis “)” in the snd_eff_str string. This is the end index for slicing the string.params = snd_eff_str[start:end]
: This line is slicing the snd_eff_str string from start to end to get the parameters of the SoundEffect. The result is a string of numbers separated by commas, which represent the parameters of the SoundEffect.m_params = tuple(map(int, incoming_message.split(',')))
: This line is splitting the incoming_message string at each comma and converting each resulting string to an integer. The results are then packed into a tuple and assigned to m_params.sound_effect = audio.SoundEffect(*m_params)
: This line is creating a SoundEffect object from the audio module. The *m_params syntax is using tuple unpacking to pass the values in m_params as arguments to SoundEffect.from microbit import *
import radio
import audio
# Choose own group in pairs 0-255
radio.config(group=8, length=251)
# Turn on the radio
default sound effect
audio.SoundEffect(freq_start=500, freq_end=2500, duration=500,
vol_start=255, vol_end=0,
laser = audio.SoundEffect(freq_start=1600, freq_end=400, duration=1000,
radio_snd = audio.SoundEffect(freq_start=500, freq_end=499, duration=1000,
jump = audio.SoundEffect(freq_start=400, freq_end=600, duration=1000,
snare = audio.SoundEffect(freq_start=523, freq_end=1, duration=1000,
sound_names = [laser, radio_snd, jump, snare]
while True:
# send
if button_a.was_pressed():
counter = 0
for snd_var in sound_names:
counter += 1
snd_eff_str = repr(snd_var)
# "SoundEffect(54, 54, 1000, 255, 0, 4, 0, 1)"
start = snd_eff_str.find("(") + 1
end = snd_eff_str.find(")")
params = snd_eff_str[start:end]
# "54, 54, 1000, 255, 0, 4, 0, 1"
# receive
incoming_message = radio.receive()
if incoming_message is not None:
if len(incoming_message) < 5:
# Convert the message back to a tuple of integers: 54, 54, 1000, 255, 0, 4, 0, 1)
m_params = tuple(map(int, incoming_message.split(',')))
# Create the sound effect with tuple unpacking: audio.SoundEffect(54, 54, 1000, 255, 0, 4, 0, 1)
sound_effect = audio.SoundEffect(*m_params)
# Play the sound effect
Use A and B-buttons to send different custom sound effects to another microbit.