5. Audio

5.1. Audio Library

This module allows you play sounds with the microbit.
Put import audio at the top under from microbit import *.
By default, sound output will be via the edge connector on pin 0 and the built-in speaker in V2.
from microbit import *
import audio

5.2. main controls

audio.play(source, wait=True, pin=pin0)
Play the source of the sound.
source can be a built-in sound or a sound effect, or an iterable of sound effects, created via the audio.SoundEffect() class, or an iterable of AudioFrame elements.
If wait is True, this function will block until the source has been completely played.
pin is on optional argument to specify the output pin with default of pin0. Use pin=None to make no sound.

Returns True if audio is playing, otherwise returns False.


Stops all audio playback. This would be useful if wait=False such that the sound playing is non blocking.