2. Library Errors

2.1. Missing asterisk

Normally the full microbit library is imported via from microbit import *.
In the code below, the final * has been left out.
# missing asterisk
from microbit import
If the asterisk is left out, a red wavy line will be shown at the end of the line and a Syntax error is reported.
It hints that the asterisk, *, is missing.

2.2. Missing space before asterisk

In the code below, a space has been left out from before the final *.
# missing space before the asterisk
from microbit import*
If the space before the askterisk is left out, then an undefined names error occurs, as shown below.

2.3. Misspelt library

If the microbit library is misspelt, then an undefined names error occurs, as shown below.
# microbot instead of microbit
from microbot import *

2.4. Imported library not used

If the microbit library is imported via import microbit, all microbit code needs to start with microbit..
In the code below, the line should be: microbit.display.scroll('hello').
If microbit. is left out, a red wavy line will be shown where the errors are.
display will not be recognised, (undefined name), since python has not been told that it is in microbit library.
The microbit library will also appear not to be used.
import microbit

# should use microbit.display.scroll('hello')