2. microbit module

The microbit module gives access to all the hardware that is built-in on the microbit.
Some useful methods from the microbit module are below.

2.1. sleep


Wait for n milliseconds. One second is 1000 milliseconds, so microbit.sleep(1000) will pause the execution for one second.


n – An integer or floating point number indicating the number of milliseconds to wait.

2.2. temperature


An integer with the temperature of the micro:bit in degrees Celcius.

2.3. scale

microbit.scale(value, from_, to)

Converts a value from a range to another range.

  • value – A number to convert.

  • from – A tuple to define the range to convert from.

  • to – A tuple to define the range to convert to.


The value converted to the to range.

For example, to convert 30 degrees from Celsius to Fahrenheit:

temp_fahrenheit = scale(30, from_=(0.0, 100.0), to=(32.0, 212.0))

This can be useful to convert values between inputs and outputs, for example an accelerometer x value to a speaker volume.

If one of the numbers in the to parameter is a floating point (i.e a decimal number like 10.0), this function will return a floating point number. If they are both integers (i.e 10), it will return an integer:

returns_int = scale(accelerometer.get_x(), from_=(-2000, 2000), to=(0, 255))

Negative scaling is also supported, for example scale(25, from_=(0, 100), to=(0, -200)) will return -50.

2.4. reset


Resets the microbit like pushing the external reset button and starts the program from the beginning.

2.5. panic


Enter a panic mode that stops all execution, scrolls an error code in the micro:bit display and requires restart. Used when debugging to stop code at a point.


n – An arbitrary integer between 0 and 255 to indicate an error code.

2.6. running_time


The number of milliseconds since the board was switched on or restarted.