4. Sequential images

4.1. Feeling images

The SAD and HAPPY images are the basis of a sequence of similar images to express how you feel via button pressing.
3 new custom images are defined: dejected, better_meh, joy.
Press the A-button to express more negative feelings.
Press the B-button to express more positive feelings.
from microbit import *

dejected = Image("09090:00000:09990:90009:99999")
ok = Image("00000:09090:00000:99999:00000")
joy = Image("09090:00000:99999:90009:09990")

emotions = [dejected, Image.SAD, ok, Image.HAPPY, joy]
current_emotion = 2

while True:
    if button_a.get_presses():
        current_emotion = max(current_emotion - 1, 0)
    elif button_b.get_presses():
        current_emotion = min(current_emotion + 1, 4)


  1. Create a 5 image sequence for indicating focus levels with Image.DIAMOND_SMALL as index 1 in the list.

  2. Create a 4 custom image sequence for indicating sun brightness.

Create a 5 image sequence for indicating focus levels with Image.DIAMOND_SMALL as index 1 in the list.

from microbit import *

dot = Image("00000:00000:00900:00000:00000")
corner_square = Image("00000:09090:00000:09090:0000")
diamond_edges = Image("09090:90009:0000:90009:09090")
corners = Image("90009:00000:0000:00000:90009")

shapes = [dot, Image.DIAMOND_SMALL, corner_square, diamond_edges, corners]
current_shape = 2

while True:
    if button_a.get_presses():
        current_shape = max(current_shape - 1, 0)
    elif button_b.get_presses():
        current_shape = min(current_shape + 1, 4)

Create a 4 custom image sequence for indicating sun brightness.

from microbit import *

# Define the images
dot = Image("00000:00000:00900:00000:00000")
small_cross = Image("00000:00900:09990:00900:00000")
square = Image("00000:09990:09990:09990:00000")
large_cross = Image("90909:09990:99999:09990:90909")

# Create the sequence of shapes
shapes = [dot, small_cross, square, large_cross]
current_shape = 0

while True:
    if button_a.get_presses():
        current_shape = max(current_shape - 1, 0)
    elif button_b.get_presses():
        current_shape = min(current_shape + 1, len(shapes) - 1)