9. Radio manual messages

9.1. Letter tilting

Set up the group with a value 0-255 by changing the group value from 8 in: radio.config(group=8).
Turn on the radio using: radio.on()
from microbit import *
import radio

# Choose own group in pairs 0-255
# Turn on the radio

# Initialize the alphabet
index = 0
# Display the current letter
# Initialize the text string
text = ""

while True:
    # Check the tilt of the microbit
    if accelerometer.get_x() < -200:
        # If the microbit is tilted to the left, move to the previous letter
        index = (index - 1) % len(ALPHABET)
        # Short delay to allow the display to update
    elif accelerometer.get_x() > 200:
        # If the microbit is tilted to the right, move to the next letter
        index = (index + 1) % len(ALPHABET)
        # Short delay to allow the display to update
    # Display the current letter

    # Check if the A-button was pressed
    if button_a.was_pressed():
        # Add the current letter to the text string
        text += ALPHABET[index]
    # Check if button B was pressed
    elif button_b.was_pressed():
        # Send the text string via the radio
        # scroll text sent
        display.scroll(text, delay=80)
        # Clear the text string
        text = ""

    # receive
    incoming_message = radio.receive()
    if incoming_message:


  1. Send a single word to your partner.

  2. Send a 3 to 5 word phrase to your partner.


  1. Modify the code to reduce the sleep time as the tilting increases with a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 900 sleep.

Modify the code to reduce the sleep time as the tilting increases with a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 900 sleep.

from microbit import *
import radio

# Choose own group in pairs 0-255
# Turn on the radio

# Initialize the alphabet
index = 0
# Display the current letter
# Initialize the text string
text = ""

while True:
    # Check the tilt of the microbit
    tilt = accelerometer.get_x()
    if tilt < -200:
        # If the microbit is tilted to the left, move to the previous letter
        index = (index - 1) % len(ALPHABET)
        # The more it's tilted, the faster the letter changes
        sleep_time = max(200, 900 + int(tilt + 200))
        # Short delay to allow the display to update
    elif tilt > 200:
        # If the microbit is tilted to the right, move to the next letter
        index = (index + 1) % len(ALPHABET)
        # The more it's tilted, the faster the letter changes
        sleep_time = max(200, 900 - int(tilt - 200))
        # Short delay to allow the display to update
    # Display the current letter

    # Check if the A-button was pressed
    if button_a.was_pressed():
        # Add the current letter to the text string
        text += ALPHABET[index]
    # Check if button B was pressed
    elif button_b.was_pressed():
        # Send the text string via the radio
        # scroll text sent
        display.scroll(text, delay=80)
        # Clear the text string
        text = ""

    # receive
    incoming_message = radio.receive()
    if incoming_message: